Once an AI system gets deployed, it learns from feedback loops generated by humans, other models and legacy systems. These feedback loops can lead to real harm.
Once an AI system gets deployed, it learns from feedback loops generated by humans, other models and legacy systems. These feedback loops can lead to real harm.
The Twitter bot turned racist in just a few hours after it was released because of its interactions with Twitter's users.
Lost $ 304 millions, laid off 2000 people and was devaluated by $32 billion after their model started overvaluing houses.
Lost $ 440 millions in 45 minutes, faced $12 millions in fines and was sold off because their robot-trading model interacted with a defunct legacy system.
Get actionable insights about the way your model performs and impacts your business by identifying hidden feedback loops.
Understand what might have gone wrong when your model performs well, but the business is impacted negatively.
Get insights into why a problem had occurred even months after the fact with historical system snapshots that can explain the current state of your system.
Combine the model performance, its business impact and their interaction for a real-time overview on your deployed AI systems.
Get explicit insights you can use to speed up the collaboration between different teams and experts.
Diagnose and mitigate risk with actionable insights on the feedback loops your system uses.
Address potential problems and identify new opportunities that make your system more adaptable and profitable.
Follow new regulations through continuous monitoring, human oversight and risk management support.
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